Source Code

Flying Fox

It is when your balls got caught in a zipline.

Holy shit dude, I have a flying fox. I'm afraid it will cut off my nuts.

by Imariceeater May 9, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

flying monkey

A woman's vagina covered entirely by dense pubic hair.

I saw an Indian woman's flying monkey.

by HarryDun March 1, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž

fly betty

1. Dat chick so fly, she make a pimp cry. Fly Betty, she zip 'n she zap, 'n she all O-VA dat. Mo' sexy'n Cat Woman 'n mo' lethal'n a thousan Juliettes, she shrimp yo pride mo' fasta dana speedin bullet 'n mo' powa-fu dan huh loca-motives. Not evun Mick Jagga got d'swagga make fly Betty lagga. She just too fly.

2. Pimp-code fo'...
a) fast hook-up
b) fav-O-rite ho
c) unrequited luv
d) all'em above

1. Fly Betty, she late. Hmmm, best not be tryin'a shrimp ma pride, cuz dis one NOOK-LAY hook-up. Oh, wait, hea she come. Shiiiii...! Dat be one pimpin ho! She supa-fly! Mmmm-mmmm! Looka dat!

2. Pimp 1: "Dawg, wutchyoo on'bout now?"
Pimp 2: "Fly Betty, she done shrimped my pride."
Pimp 1: "Has I gotsta pimpicate-chya on evu-r-uthang?
Pimp 2: "Yeah, dawg, but we had this thang..."
((dry tears falling into dry martini))

by Ivan Ugrozny November 2, 2007

6๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

flying hawaiian

when a hawaiisn homosexual midget likes to give boston trumbone and when the guys cum he licks it up to spits it into hawian punch and drinks its

Jon gave the flying hawaiian to Joe

by Jonny Motha Beltz July 6, 2006

18๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fly 13

Fly 13 (Verb): To engage in any; whether subtle or outright, act or display of incest.

The 13 refers to the number of stars on the Confederate (CSA) flag, which in recent years has been memed as a symbol of incestuous deeds, as well as a number of other redneck shenanigans that typically take place in America. So, to "fly 13" (Fly the flag with the thirteen stars) would mean, as a modern metaphor, to support or proudly take part in incest (Sexual acts or feelings taking place among siblings or close relatives).

Ellen: Fuck you Jack! Mom's gonna take us to Auschwitz if she sees the mess we've made!
Jack: Hey! You started it, I had nothing to do with this until you interfered!
Ellen: Playing innocent now? Suck my cunt!
Jack: Woah there, fly 13 I guess...

by JustAnotherSickFuckOnUrbanDic December 25, 2022

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The Flying Taint

a professional wrestling technique used once an opponent is knocked down and will be a while before getting up. the person performing this technique climbs up the turnbuckle to the top rope. he then wait until his opponent finally stands up and leaps backward with his legs spread to expose his taint. the goal of this technique is to slap your taint across your opponents face with great force, both stunning and humiliating him.

man 1: "did you see ray mysterio give that guy the flying taint last night?"

man 2: "that shit was CLASSIC. i bet that guy has never felt such humiliation before."

by feldpar February 18, 2009

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Flying Nun

When you tie a woman's braids to the ceiling fan and he's naked with his face buried in her crotch, arms wrapped tight around her legs, then he turns the ceiling fan on high and as he's spinning around his cock hits the back of the chairs .

I used The Flying Nun technique on my date last night and we both had the most amazing orgasms

by DeRayLa August 27, 2022

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