A girl from Vegas that isn't a whore
you see that girl over there, she's a Desert unicorn bro
It's when you get hyped on a bunch of drugs and strap a strap-on to the top of your head and let you're homies ride, the feeling is "Unicorn Ecstacy"
Boy 1: Yo, my ass hurts like hell.
Boy 2: Well yeah, it looked like you felt unicorn ecstacy with Ashley last night.
(1) A dataset that contains no errors. Types of errors include structural, grammatical or numerical errors.
(2) A dataset that is instantly compatible with another dataset. There are no problems or inconveniences in combining with any other dataset.
There is no example of a unicorn dataset...
A Big Dick Unicorn is a man who is incredibly thoughtful, is dynamite in bed, and has a gigantic dick. He can be found in a rare, once in a lifetime hookup that you’ll never be able to forget, no matter how many other men you sleep with in the hopes of recapturing the glory of that night.
Ah, yes, I remember my Big Dick Unicorn. I met him in a drunk St. Patty’s Day blur on a business trip to Boston. It’s been ten years and I still think about that night.
Country girl that loves riding and playing in mud but is a one of a kind,can't be found,rare.
That girl is the one shes country and rare, no dude that girl is a mudhole unicorn.
Somebody who regularly disappears despite claiming they are “always there”
Man, Marvin is a real unicorn PP.
"Music" that will have your friends (and ears) worry about you
Person 1: Yo, did you listen to the new Unicorn On Ketamine song?
Person 2: Are you ok dude? Do you need to talk about a drug addiction? How bad is your tinnitus now?