Cumming into a sex doll that has already been came in by other men; insinuating your dick is being cleansed by the other men’s semen
Craig: Yo John, i was washing the rug the other day.
John: Intentionally!?!? You fuckin gay?
Craig: Shiiiiit....
the best thing to have if u have a step sis it has many tasks u can wash clothes get ur step sis stuck in there
-man my step sis got stuck in the washing muschine
-man of culture i see..
When two guys naked are in a bed crocodile deathrolling hitting each other with their penises
Man I am so tired from the San Francisco car wash steve and I did last night.
When one eats a lot of Mexican food, takes a poop on someone's wind-shield and smears it all over the place. Usually an extreme form of revenge.
"Did you hear what happened to Sally's car?!"
"No, what happened?"
"Steve pulled zee mexican car-wash!"
"Ah gnarly bro!"
An infamous trick, when a woman from the Baltic region washes both balls in her mouth (sexually) while both her hands are rummaging in your pockets looking for money and valuables.
Stanislaw got Baltic ball-washed and I had to wire him money for a bus home.
When somone washes your sweaty balls
Damn you owe me a whopper wash you dirty bitch
Someone who:
Talks with heavy British slang
Dresses in classic British clothing (tech wear)
“Roadman lifestyle”
Basically falls under the British road stereotype
Jayden: yo I just bought some cool tech wear
Isaiah: bruh, your so Brit-washed