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hired guns

A hard rockin' band from campbell river BC that rocks

Hired guns rocks i saw them and my balls exploded on the first song due to rock

by Caflisch22 July 31, 2006

6๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck you gun

using your middle finger and thumb to make a gun that is the most powerful insult ever. the next step up from the middle finger.

Danielle: You're a bitch! I want to kik your ass!

Mandy: What the fuck! Don't make me pull out the "fuck you gun"!!

Danielle: Oh shit, okay I'm sorry.

by lampfucker November 17, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Guns N' Roses

There seems to be some confusion as to this whole Guns N Roses thing.

1. Guns N' Roses were NOT hair metal. Or if they were they were so far ahead of the rest of that scene they were barely in it

2) Axl was/is not a druggy. The rest of the band yes...but not Axl. Any tool knows that

3) Whats all this Nirvana comparison about. Did they write songs that were at all similar to each other? No...so stop it before I start comparing Mozart to Megadeth...

4) Guns N' Roses (original line up) was in no way manufactured. Since Axl went dolally then yes as they have to pass his rather bizarre entry standards (KFC bucket on your head anyone??).

Hope that clears things up for a few people.

Guns N' Roses...in no way like Nirvana...fact

by Geoff the Beard July 11, 2008

25๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Guns N' Roses

Pure Musical Genius's

Don't Damn me When I Speak a Piece of Mind, cause silence isn't golden when i'm holdin' it inside.

by Miles Away July 15, 2005

60๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

guns n roses

"guns n roses" was an 80s rock band. the name was derrived from the two origional members tracii guns and axl rose. Origional members were:
axl(william axl rose) - singer

slash (saul hudson)- lead guitar

izzy stradlin (Jeff isabell) - rhythem
guitar *used to be drummer*

Duff McKagen (michael Mckagen) - bass

Stephen adler (the man) - drums

The band went their different ways over a period of time starting from 1993 and different band members took over. The one origional member of the band - axl rose is still trying to re-create the band as it was at its glory...he can only get away with it since he is pretty damned amazing onstage! However we are still waiting for chinese democracy

the other band members went onto do different projects, the most successful of all,involvs slash,duff and Matt sorum (who replaced stephen on drums in 1990) together in a band with dave kushner and front man skott weiland.

They kick ass, and have given great strength and joy to many other youths including myself. a 1 disc greatest hits album does NOT give the band justice


"you know where you are!? your in the jungle baby...your guna diiiieieeieieieiieieeiieieieiei...."

by fran xox August 6, 2004

450๐Ÿ‘ 240๐Ÿ‘Ž

21 Gun Salute

A 21 Gun Salute is a Military Honor fired from 21 "Guns" or heavy artiliery or "Canons" NOT Rifles

At military funerals, one often sees three volleys of shots fired in honor of the deceased veteran. This is often mistaken by the laymen as a 21-gun salute, although it is entirely different (in the military, a "gun" is a large-calibered weapon. The three volleys are fired from "rifles," not "guns." Therefore, the three volleys isn't any kind of "gun salute," at all)

Today, the national "21 gun salute" is fired in honor of a national flag, the soverign or chief of state of a foreign nation, a member of a reigning royal family, and the President, ex-President, and President-elect of the United States. It is also fired at noon of the day of the funeral of a President, ex-President, or President-elect, on Washington's Birthday, Presidents Day, and the Fourth of July. On Memorial Day, a salute of 21 minute guns is fired at noon while the flag is flown at half mast. Fifty guns are also fired on all military installations equipped to do so at the close of the day of the funeral of a President, ex-President, or President-elect.

by Ken Adler April 17, 2013

75๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

Machine Gun Funk

Indiscriminately jizzing all over a female

"Yo Luchi bro, did you end up boning that chic?" - Dave
"Nah, bypassed the BJ too. Just hit her with the machine gun funk." - Luchi

by Ampa Lamps May 11, 2013

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž