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Chicken Feltcher

Person who fucks a chicken and then drinks his own seamen out of the chicken.

Thank god the chicken feltcher didn't come over for Thanksgiving turkey!!!

by Hojoscool October 8, 2009

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chicken snitch

A variation of chicken eye, balloon knot, cinnamon star, meat donut. South Texas slang

"I hooked up with your sister last night but, since she was on the rag; I jammed it in the 'ol chicken snitch."

by ccwader361 August 15, 2009

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Attack Chicken

A dance very similar to the "Funky Chicken" except, you grab your right ankle with your left hand and grab the back of your head and attack!

Guy2: I get myself friends by doing that.

Guy1: I shall...defeat you with my...ATTACK CHEECKEN!
Guy2: Oh no...how will I...SURVIVE?

by GOLDIFRICKINLOCKS January 6, 2008

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Chicken fries

Best food in the world found at burger king.

Oh my geebers chicken fries are the best in the world

by SHMOOPERS December 2, 2016

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Chicken Leaving

The part of a chicken strip, finger or tender which is inedible; usually found at the thicker tip of the aforementioned finger or tender. It should always be left on the plate. More-processed strips will have a higher concentration at the tip, while more natural strips may have leavings spread through-out.

Skilled chicken leavings hunters can identify the leavings from the appearance of the strip, while less aluent leavingsers may require a guidebook.

Any restaurant's chicken strip should have an area of chicken leavings at one tip.

by KiwiDomingoBleu April 27, 2009

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The chicken wing

When a woman takes a penis into the crook of her elbow, and vigorously jerks it off like a chicken flapping.

Mike loved when Danielle gave him the chicken wing after a night of hard drinking.

by Grape Blowfish April 22, 2018

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Maryland Chicken

A small cheap fried chicken franchise based in Leicestershire, UK. Some argue it is "cheap pigeon", but whatever it is I love it and at a price of 5p for a strip, I'm not complaining! The chicken itself is amazing and afterwards, you know you have slightly killed yourself and put your life at risk, but that taste is with you everywhere you go.

Maryland also shits of KFC.

"Bring me a strip burger, chop chop, hurry up! - don't forget the cheese, man, ain't that lovely-up"
"Maryland is scary, man! I'm addicted, to the taste of every damn thing!"

"Hey, dude! Wanna go KFC?"
"Do you think I am made of money and like the taste of bland chicken that couldn't feed a fly?"
"What, man?"
"Go fucking Maryland Chicken."

by joebmxkid March 23, 2013

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