When you have a cousin related on both sides of your family.
When a set of siblings marry another set of siblings - both marriages have children and they are cousins squared.
Aka cousin to the power of 2.
Can’t wait to go out tomorrow with my cousin squared.
Auntie Alpha and Uncle 1 have child ABC
ABC is your cousin
123 is the opposite family cousin
You have no direct relation to 123 beside being your cousin cousin
123 is a cousin squared
What do you call your cousin's cousin?
Cousin squared
Auntie Alpha and Uncle 1 have children A,B,C
A,B,C are your cousins
1,2,3 are their opposite family cousins
You have no direct relation to 1,2,3 beside being your cousins' cousins
1,2,3 are cousins squared (cousin²)
The non-related cousin of my cousin is my cousin squared
One Of the coolest Mfs You can meet Period.
Every Time “Tony Square” is around some good Shit happens
A type of sunscreen found only on the streets. Organically made, this is not high is SPF.
Brendan, wasted again, passed out on the corner. His drunk ass friends took a piss where he was laying, covering him in some Times Square Sunscreen.
CBV_Havocs dick
Add on ps4 for free Trials carries
Barrets teamshot with me so i can square dick
Someone engaged constantly on screens such as mobile, tablet, computer, etc.
He was square sighted enough to miss the bus couple of times...