how one breaks up time when they're unemployed - usually 1 unit = 30 minutes
Shaving my legs took up 1 unit of time
Cullen time is defined as the moment during a basketball game when the worst player on your basketball team decides its his time to take over and score his first points of the season. It is at this moment 'said' player will proceed to brick no less than 10 shots before the coach finally subs him out purely to save him from the embarrassment.
- Oh shit its cullen time
-Ur pulling a cullen
A measurement of standard time that is sped up time by three to four minutes . However is only acceptable in the Karafin school walls.
josh: why did the bell ring so early?
sheikh: well because of karafin Time.
Josh: what is that?
Sheikh: It basically means class ends quicker .
Josh: oh okay i see.
An expression, often used as a greeting, referring to one's status of punctuality, and also pleasure, as well as success.
Dude 2: "What shakin', man?"
Dude 1: "On time and on top!"
Dude 2: "Totally, dude! The party just started, like, a minute ago! And nice Mercedes, by the way. Who's the babe?"
All day every day is peach time. Used in a comedic nature among friends
Friend 1: dude guess what time it is
friend 2: what time is it
Friend 1: its peach time
friend 2: DUDE
Often used as a code word for masturbating in the most enjoyable way possible.
Boy: I'm ready to have winky time later babe ;)
Girl: Yeah babe i love doing it to the sight of your hard cock ;)