Source Code

Anal Congestion

A scenario involving a particular female who is multi fucked by several males in the anus, to the point in which all parties (generally 4-38 participants) do not have enough anal friction in order to obtain an orgasm.

John: "Hey Mike, how'd you like that gorgeous brunette the other night?"

Mike: "Honestly wasn't that good, there was too much anal congestion nobody could do anything"

John: "Ah, of course. That does happen sometimes."

by Raphael Dequenta January 20, 2012

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Anal Curd

Definition 1: Anal curd is the natural lubricant your body forms upon excretion of faeces. It is usually yellow in colour and slightly transparent. Often you will find the remnants of anal curd on your tissue after you wipe your bottom. (Usually occurs after a spicy or difficult excretion).

Definition 2: Anal curd is when you have either sharted (you went to fart and you s**t a little) or you haven't wiped your bottom properly and the remnants of the previous defecation is still between your bum cheeks. Whilst walking about and doing your daily chores, your cheeks naturally rub together, thereby turning the excrement into a fecal paste.

Example 1:
" I had a spicy s**t today and there was a bit of anal curd on the end of it."

Example 2:
"I'm not giving my mom these boxers to wash- there's a bit of anal curd in them"

by Papsalot January 11, 2010

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anal legging

"Anal legging" is a sexual activity that homosexuals enjoy. They take the foot, the foot be very dry, they thrust it inside the anus and then they twinkle the toes inside the anus. It is very painful but they like it.

I enjoyed anal legging with you last night.

by Mihkel Raptor January 23, 2011

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Anal Cathedral

An intense pain you get when you're rectum tears during a massive dump, making you want to go to church to repent the things you said.

Black People, Anal Cathedral. Nuff' said.

by PoonMasta69 August 14, 2012

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Anal Punched

To brutally attack and hit some what in the A**

that carney got anal punched by her boyfriend

by Jwynn July 6, 2009

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anal shrooming

A fad going around where people take psychedelic mushrooms and instead of ingesting them orally, they place it inside of their anus. This has gained in popularity since the media has reported teens using vodka-soaked tampons in their anus to get drunk.

"Let's get high"

"Yeah man sounds like a good time for some anal shrooming!"

by canterlot November 28, 2011

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Anal Tuba

When a person takes a hit off a cigarette, then holds the smoke in, spreads his or her partners ass cheeks and blows as hard as they can in their anal cavity in hope of the partner blowing the smoke out of their mouth.

Man, I can go for a good ol' anal tuba tonight.

by Only_Marlow November 20, 2014

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