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Oh, I hope I don't lose you
Please stay
I want you,

I need you,

Beautifully crazy… right

Are sleeping

Or sad…
Keep believing I do

As I love YOU!!!

by 😃 are contagious 😃 July 24, 2024

27👍 57👎


how your people around you describe you and somehow manage to sleep at night with the filthy lies the told you.

mom: you're beautiful, sweetie!
dad: if any boy asks you out, I'm coming for him.
grandparents: you're gorgeus guys must be all over you
friends of parents: you're going to break a lot of hearts
friends: you're pretty, now shut up.
guys: why is this potato looking at me?

by filthy mudblood December 29, 2016


you are beautiful

my bff:i feel like i am tra- me:you are beautiful girl YOU HEAR ME

by 22102004 August 2, 2021


A girl, typically with a very adorable face, who is your Heaven on earth. She's normally very humble and gives other's compliments. But sometimes she doesn't believe in the compliments she gets from others. She looks beautiful no matter how frizzy her hair is, no matter how red her face is turning, no matter the face she's making, etc. She looks perfect all the time.

Juliette, you are so beautiful. I really mean it.

by CooHagg24 April 27, 2024


Many people think beautiful just means hot or sexy, but it is not so. Beauty is when you are easy on the eyes, but still a person of substance. You are funny, you have a personality unique and your own. People love to be around you because you make them happy and you are a positive influence on everyone you meet lives. You are stunning in every sense of the word and your looks could make people drop dead, yet you are still humble.

Wow! Alana is so beautiful.

by Willibobilli October 10, 2020


Megan Grace Newton (Gross)

Jesus look how beautiful Megan is oh my lord

by KOOK :) March 30, 2019


Megan Grace Newton

Jesus look how beautiful Megan is oh my fuck.

by KOOK :) March 30, 2019