A covert way for young American males to request you strike their genetalia with as much force as you can muster.
Connor stood on the corner shouting "Your body, my choice!" at every passing woman in the hopes someone would finally touch his genitals.
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A play on the pro-choice slogan "My body, my choice." While it has existed since at least 2018, the phrase went viral in November 2024 after political commentator Nick Fuentes posted it on X in response to Donald Trump's victory in the 2024 US presidential election. Fuentes's post was viewed over 90 million times and the phrase saw wide usage on X, Facebook, Reddit, and TikTok, as well as high school and college campuses.
I saw a girl complaining about the election on TikTok and the comments were full of guys saying "Your body, my choice."
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A great idea, horrible execution. People normalizing unhealthy weight, especially being plus sized. Body positivity is meant to promote healthy bodies, normalizing insecurities that do not affect ones health such as hip dips, promote a healthy diet/weight loss, recognizing a petite person doesn't mean they have anorexia, recognizing that a larger person or someone with belly rolls is normal, and overall just not caring so much about looks and being extremely skinny or following the beauty standard for bodies (ex. western; fat ass big boobs and small waist, china; imposibilly petite). However body positivity is instead being used as an excuse to normalize being an unhealthy weight, especially large. Yes there are larger people existing while still maintaining a healthy diet and healthy exercise however they should not be abnormally large. It is sad to see our youth being obese but it is also a reflection of us and we should really realize what we are doing with ourselves first instead of blaming it on everyone else.
Wow that person is so fat
No they aren't, we need to promote body positivity
No they are an unhealthy weight, clearly, don't you see their width is larger than their height?
Laughing extremely hard, to the point where it may be hard to breathe.
Bro after Matt fell down the stairs, we where Laughing Hard Body.
The state of ultimate comfort in a relationship where all standards of self image are abandoned under the idea that your significant other will love you regardless of your appearance
Jared has gained weight since he started dating Susan, he totally has a relationship body.
The remains of Chester Toulson after I saw that damn thing in my loving room
Yo Jack, I’m gonna shit on Chester’s body
This unique word means that you will potentially disable there body.
Iwill disable your body you bloody fat cunt.