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Chase is a fatass with a small penis who chases after food(pun intended), but Chase is an overall genuine person, he plays sports, and isn’t too bad at them. Chase is an overall decent human being.

Jon: haha Chase! You’re such a fatass!
Kyle: hey! He may be a fatass, but he’s good at sports
Chase: yea I’m good at baseball

by Mr Guy1 March 26, 2024


Chase is the type of guy to date one girl, and talk to 3 others. He thinks he’s smart and kind but he’s honestly a little dumb and lonely. He will always try to put a smile on your face even if it makes him uncomfortable.

Chase likes boys. He’s such a typical chase.

by Cooterscooter9669 November 28, 2021


Chase is a good friend who makes up his own words half the time. He’s probably shorts asf and is known for that. He gets some girls but just wants to be taller

Chase is so short

by March 12, 2022


A gay ass pain in the ass with pink eyed hair that's supposed to be red

Chase is gay

by JoeMa_ February 24, 2023


Fire ass darksin that'll take your bitch. Funny, smart and has the "SLONG".

Oh look that's that sexy kid Chase I heard he has a BBC !

by Darkskins June 20, 2020



A long haired smart dude that's sexy as all hell and hides all his emotions because he think its it will better the situation.. ignoring those around him that truly should matter for people or thing that are nothing but toxic to his life... Also stubborn and is never in the wrong....

But once you get to know him he will make sure to everything is your fault.

He won't expect you for you ..
And when you don't change yourself for him .. he will crush u and walk out of ur life with no hesitation.

Hi I'm chase~ u wanna come hangout with my friends an I??
But don't forget I'll be sure to make u look stuipd for anything u say just so there is an argument .. an so I can embarrasse you.. then to ask you why are you so mad?? Then I'll proceed to yell at u saying your always negitive!!

by FUCK_it.up_BUTTERCUP April 8, 2019


Chase is the best person you will ever meet, he is my favorite person in the whole world. If you were me, you would understand why I get butterflies every time I see him. He is perfect in every way and super funny. He always makes people smile even if they don't feel like it. He might not talk a lot in class but he has an amazing personality once you get to know him.

Person: "Oh wow, Chase looks good today"
Lucy: "Yeah ofc he does"

by imjustawesomelikethat12 January 25, 2022