Sitting on your hand and penis until both fall asleep and then jerking off, eliciting the feeling of a hand job from someone to someone else.
The double stranger bois
Poking another persons nose with your nose.
the cats noses touched in a double boop
A production (typically movie) with sub-standard content then worsened exponentially by the inclusion of low-quality actors or musical tracks. Originates from the notion that the worst movie possible would both star Nicolas Cage and feature a soundtrack entirely by Nickleback. Hence the "double-nickle" origin.
Although attaining a cult following, The Room has remained one of the greatest double-nickle productions of our time.
This is a sex act. It happens when you have an erotic experience with a stripper named "Strawberry" and you use Strawberries during the act, hence the "Double Strawberry."
After Dan picked up a stripper from the club, they went to the bed room with some produce and he did the Double Strawberry.
Two individuals who act on their friends behalf to help guide his cock into the vagina because he is too drunk to do so.
Bro if you can't get laid by a Double Wingman, you ain't getting laid!
When that vaccination grows that second Dick and you slam it in both holes at the same time! You’ve just got that double trouble!!!!
Reid and Jen were getting it on when all of a sudden that extra Dick from his vaccinations swole up and slammed both her holes and Reid exclaimed “DOUBLE TROUBLE”!!!!!!!!!
a discussion in which opposing views are expressed where the view in question is also opposite of that window.
Man: If you are a virgin and you have sex with a virgin. What would you call that?
Other Man: That's a double Controversy
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