The act of driving up to your ops house with your comrade, getting out of the car, and placing a sticky note onto their property, and drive away.
Extra points if in fursuit
“Wanna do a drive by sticky later? Let’s put it on Jackie’s flagpole, we can write about Jesus”
Diving slowly; the opposite of driving at breakneck pace.
"The driver in front of me is driving at Turtleneck pace."
You have called a friend in the car via bluetooth so their audio comes out of the speaker. One you pull up to get your food, your friend then starts saying very vulgar or tremendously inappropriate words so the worker can hear what he is saying.
Bro...I can never go back to that McDonald's again, I suffered from Drive-Thru Danger because I had my tremendously vulgar uncle on the phone...the worker heard everything
When a tiny turd falls from a strippers butt into you drink.
I just saw my first Georgia High drive at the Cheeta Club last night.
31 day challenge where you can have all the fun in the world and explore the best way of driving. Go crazy with it
Man are you gonna participate in drink and drive December this year?
Hell yeah
Whilst driving a 90’s Japanese Sports car that look of satisfaction that is embedded so deeply one could confuse it with adultery
Al- “Yo Davo! Looks like you really love driving your S4 RX7?”
Davo- Sitting behind the wheel, silence, nothing but - Driving Bitch Face…