Dylan hu is the biggest rizzler in the whole village of Deerfield. Girls basically drool on his cock. He gets so many bitches Dylan is practically swimming in pussy. He also plays for the wow factor baseball team. He’s a insane catcher. His favorite throwing partner is Connor Ettin also known as the main offender of Cole. Dylan is a titty lover.
Dylan hu:Dam bro your getting mad hoes ur almost as cool as Dylan
Dylan hu is one of the biggest rizzlers in Deerfield. He gets so many hoes he’s basically drowning in pussy. He is also very good at baseball and his favorites throwing partner is Connor Ettin also well known as the main offender of Cole k. Dylan loves tittes
You get so many bitches ur almost as cool as Dylan hu
A name for a mythical genius who lives in the bottom of an acoustic guitar. This word can also be used to describe a Godlike person or object
“That man is a professional Dylan Harris!” “Thats one cool looking Dylan Harris
Dylan Piper is a amazing brother or boy friend. He works really hard. And never let's you down.He always says I love you and gives you a hug or a hive five.So if you ever find him give him a hive five or a hug.
Dylan Piperis the best boyfriend.