Unsatisfying and unpleasurable masturbation after a man has just ejaculated because the ability to achieve a strong erection is limited due to the refractory period, a physiological period of time that prevents men from having multiple erections and orgasms.
I found myself still horny after masturbating last night, so I tried a refractory jerk that left me sore and unsatisfied. masturbation, masterbate, jerk off, jack off, masterburnt, pleasuring oneself
When you fake sick to get out of work/school to jerk off
Boys does everyone want to do a sick jerk tomorrow
1) A term used to describe movies that tanked at the box office, but have unusually high DVD sales due to the high content of cleavage and sex contained within the movie.
2) American Pie Beta House
"I heard Good Luck Chuck had a horrible plot but an unusually high Jerk-Value."
Anything used to obscure the front-facing camera on a computer. Often a piece of tape,; a jerk curtain could be anything temporarily or permanently affixed to a computer and or front-facing camera that obscures visibility.
Did you see how many jerk curtains were up in that picture of the Apple offices?
Johnnie Carter uses a bandaid as a jerk curtain
1. Noun. When, overcome with sadness, depression, or despair, you jerk off to feel even marginally better.
2. Noun. A masturbatory session that happens to coincide with a sad or depressive episode. Tears may be used as lubricant.
3. Verb. Engaging in definitions 1 or 2.
4. Noun. Someone who's usually an asshole, who happens to be crying at the moment.
1. Overcome with sadness, Noah decided to have a weepy jerk, resulting in his problems not seeming quite so bad after all.
2. While on a marathon jerk session, Thomas recalled a sad moment from his formative years, turning his proud gank into a weepy jerk.
3. Heath weepily jerked for hours, hoping for some change in his mood.
4. -Aw, Eli's crying! -Who gives a shit?! Fuck that weepy jerk!
When you cannot finish jerking off after ten minutes straight
Bro I just had an endless jerk. I managed to watch an entire episode of an anime before finishing.
Like you are about to leave and you need to jerk so it’s a ltm jerk like a special event for limited time.
Fuck I’m bouta leave the house I should hit an LTM jerk bouta be a long dog