Even more of the many ways in which a man can piss! Again, there are nearly infinite methods, and these are just for guys (although women can also do some of these).
1: Teabag
Squat over target (toilet, stick, brick, another person, etc.). Start teabagging the target. Begin the stream.
2: Multiplayer Mode
Pissing can be more fun with friends! Try some of these methods with friends. (Warning: you should probably only do this with your closest and most understanding friends.)
3: Tree Climber
This is a simple one. Get in a tree and piss down onto the ground. You can do this with friends and make a game out of it. Here's an example: try to hit a target on the ground.
Women can do this too, with a little extra work.
4: Freestyle
The only limit is your imagination!
Guy 1: hey wanna try those Piss Positions?
Guy 2: sure, they sound like fun!
Guy 3: count me in, too!
When your dog is in the park and his teeth start to chatter because he just had a great gulping slurp of another dogs champagne piss and is unequivocally higher quality than regular park piss.
Martha: Hello there Terry, oh what's up with Rover? Is he cold? His teeth seem to be chattering horribly.
Terry: Oh nah luv, he's just gone and had himself a sampling sip of Champagne Piss ain't he.
Martha: By gosh.
That little shit has pissed off in the boat again .
The bum has pissed off to the beach
John Jackass and Al Asswipe had a pissing contest over minimum wage.
When you take a shot of cum, and then chase it with a mouthful of piss.
Me and the boys took a break from watching the I-500 international snowmobile race to go out into the snowy woods to start “Pissing in the snow.”
when u cba to make food so u put piss inbetween sum bread
marii: piss sandwitches. reminds me of when you kept PISSING ON THE FLOOR