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Eric Tony Jaa

Eric Tony Jaa is a lovable guy and attractive , intelligent and he knows how to treat people how they deserve

Eric; Hey June ! Could you remind me a name of your bf plz?

June ; Oooh my gosh! I can't wait , my bf is Eric Tony Jaa from Rwanda

Eric ; OMG ! You're a luckiest girl !

by Jesca alba March 11, 2022

Tony Seizure

A Tony Seizure, a severe type of Seizure named after politician Tony Lope, is a seizure that is caused by having to many thoughts all at once, or thinking about to many people or things.

"Why did you have a Tony Seizure?"
"I was trying to work out how many girlfriends I have, I keep messing them up"

by Therealobama69 June 20, 2021

Toni Escario

Toni is a smart and funny person to be around when your day is going bad toni will be there to cheer you up she is special and never gives up on you and keeps your day going. Toni is the greatest and sweetest person once you get to know her. You should know that she is only Master V in Call of Duty Mobile and she is on a lose streak. She may have an attitude sometimes but deep inside she still care for you even though Toni doesn't say it.

If you ever meet Toni Escario, take care and protect her for you will never regret seeing her smile.

by Lui62626 June 8, 2021

Tony reid

A tony reid is a fat poof who wears fakes clothes and thinks he is a badman when all he does is smoke catnip

" awww here is that no that tony reid and brandon "
" aye fucksake "

by Mussy boys March 26, 2023

tony brown


Kamren: name your top 3 football players.

James: lamar jackson, tom brady and aaron rodgers.

Kamren: are you deadass?? wheres tony brown…

Ashton: Yo stop dick eating.

by hgd vhrschjtr August 30, 2023

Tony Chase

A man actively present on YouTube and Social Media claiming he was kidnapped by the government, held captive by the government inside Indianapolis away from Hollywood and his mother and father’s mansions, and left to be tortured by Satellites and Satellite controllers targeting him 24/7.

Person 1: “Hey, Tony Chase! Why are your teeth decaying and you keep revealing your personal information all the time?”

Tony: “Because the dirty satellite controllers keep fucking up my face and teeth, and the government holding me hostage away from my mother and father’s mansions and i’m here to prove that I AM the 100% owner! Also i’m not gay not ever.”

by HotColdLava December 10, 2023


Dieser Tag ist festgelegt als der Tag, an dem Antonia Seidel und Luca Monster zusammen kommen müssen. Das ist auch so festgelegt und lässt sich nicht umgehen.

Da kann ich nicht. Da ist Nationaler-Toni-und-Luca-müssen-zusammen-kommen-Tag

by MonsterL April 16, 2022