when two people are too close they become like conjoined twins. they watch each other pee and hold hands (no homo), they talk about anything and know more about each other than they know about themselves.
Sarkis i Teodora are idiots
1. A reference to Nuklear Power's web comic 8 Bit Theater where the Fighter repeats the phrase to the Guard, who can only reply "Welcome to Cornelia." Used to show automatic responses in nerdy groups and express disinterest in the topic.
2. Way of saying you prefer penis to pussy
Guy 1: Want to hear about my surgery?
Guy 2: No.
Guy 1: Well it went great.
Guy 2: I like swords
Guy 1: *continues to go on
Guy 2: *Every few minutes I like swords
Girl: Who are you here with tonight?
Gay guy: I like swords
I love IU but not the fans
I love IU but not the fans
A catchphrase used by Dave when he gets mad over someone using divs in their web design coursework or outside lectures.
Me: "Dave but I can't submit this coursework without putting a few divs in"
Dave: "I don't give a div!"
A phrase popularized by the the tiktok user besthueningkaistan to express admiration for the kpop idol, Hueningkai, a member of the successful 4th generation Hybe group called Tomorrow x Together.
Tiktok user: *makes a tiktok about Hueningkai*
besthueningkaistan: i love kai
TB is short for Therapeutic Boundaries but it is also short for Tuberculosis. “I love you with tuberculosis” means I love you with therapeutic boundaries.
This term is very good for people who are not in a relationship to express love and appreciation for each other while still understanding that there are mutual boundaries.
It can be used for any person and saying it to each person means something very different. Boundaries are commonly individualized for each relationship.
A: “goodbye! I love you with tuberculosis!
B: “you too man”