Source Code

Dragon Breath Rounds

type of rounds you insert into shotgun and will shoot flammable firework/pellets at something/someone

dude 1: dude i inserted these Dragon Breath Rounds to kill John Wick and his armor
dude 2 : that's awesome

by JimmyWeed June 6, 2024

Orchard Breath

The aroma of vomit on one's breath after spewing, notably in an orchard.

"Man, I'm about to go gippin' in the pippins - I'll have orchard breath later"

by Ian's Arrow October 30, 2008

cheese breath

So, cheese breath is a derogatory term describing the breath of a Wisconsin person, especially a Green Bay Packers’ fan.

FEMALE 1: GIRL! WTF is that rancid ass smell that is making me gag!

FEMALE 2: It’s cheese breath!

by Purplenado March 8, 2023

Breath mint moment

That moment when you need to tell someone something uncomfortable or upsetting about themselves. Or when your significant other has been an asshole and has no idea.

Babe, we need to have a breath mint moment. Your lack of preparing sandwiches for the trip makes me feel unloved....

by Prickly Balls March 9, 2021

pickle breathe

Dick suckin mouth odor

So I gave this girl pickle breathe after six hours in the bedroom.

by MilezDeep March 6, 2014

Breath Strips

Kentucky fried chicken water fried mc donald arbys dairy queen samich light clorox

Those Breath Strips Tasted Bad

by Bean Boi June 7, 2022

Wineyun Breath

The result of combining wine with Funyuns

Damn! She's got some kicking wineyun breath!

by JerksWords October 18, 2011