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Dust bucket bitch

A dusty piece of shit hoe bag from a bucket of village of bitches

Lily is a dust bucket bitch

by Dustbucketbitch April 16, 2017

14๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit bucket ugly

A woman so ugly she would knock the warts off a galvanized shit bucket at 50 yards in the driving rain with her back turned.

Friend: What the fuck! Check out that chick!
You: Man, bro.....she is shit bucket ugly!

by Burke Mclain September 11, 2007

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

buckets on my feet

A term referring to the rims on a car.

"Gotta make sure ya see the buckets on my feet" Yung Joc - Goin' Down

by NateOWNS June 22, 2006

17๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bucket of Doll Heads

A derogatory term used to describe something of little or no worth.

George W. Bush isn't worth a bucket of doll heads

by Mike98662 April 13, 2011

gucci bucket hat

gucci bucket hat


by cystlmf September 29, 2020

Bucket Hat Girl

When a girl gets hella boofed at a fraternity formal and steals one of the brother's fratty bucket hats. She will then continue to wear it as if some alter personality is emerging and steadily become the life of the party.

Duncan: "Did you see Bucket Hat Girl last night at the snack table?"
Cole: "Yeah, she was doing keg stands too."
Duncan: "Man, she really is the life of that party when she puts that thing on."

by KaiGuy April 6, 2015

Onion Shit Bucket

Take one large onion, cut the top off, remove core while leaving the outer skin intact. Carefully shit into the onion and then bake at 350ยฐF for 45 minutes or until the shit is bubbly and warm. Immediately serve to your friends.

Hey guys, I baked you dinner! Enjoy a homemade Onion Shit Bucket, this one has extra corn!

by Maxwell Haus September 29, 2018