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Chip Money

Wages so low they’re hardly worth going to work for

Pun on “sh*t money”

I’m leaving this job since it’s stinking chip money

by sabzwin March 20, 2021

Chip fig

A shitty YouTube "star"

"Dave I'm stoned wanna watch some chip fig videos? "
"Dude , fuck no watching chip fig videos makes me want to swan dive off buildings"

by Anomalies234 June 10, 2016

Chip McGundy

MagicianShadow1 is a bully

Chip McGundy got bullied by MagicianShadow1

by Chip McGundy April 29, 2019

Potaty Chip

potaty chip is a multitalented music artist who is famous worldwide. potaty chip is also known as taemin or frogiese. potaty chip is an inspiration and role model to many across the internet.

girl A: god I love potaty chip
girl B: as you should

by itzymidzy December 3, 2020

floppy chip

A kissing technique that involves shoving your tongue to the back of the other person throat and flicking their uvula so it swings and then frantically move your tongue up and down so when you pull away there is a string of saliva between you

Did you see Gary kiss Tanisha. Man used that floppy chip shit proper drowned her

by Arthur christmas init January 22, 2021

Green Chip

A Die-Hard well groomed, and well dressed Banker/Broker/Trader/Investor/Wall Street Executive etc. who is also an extremely sexy, unbelievably smart, and exceptionally talented Golfer. He expands the economy, and moves the country forward by conducting MASSIVE AMOUNTS of business deals at his swanky country club either on the Course chipping for eagles, or at the Clubhouse with fine dining. He can, and he will marry the hottest chick around, and have endless threesomes as well as foursomes with her, and will grow old all-together happily ever after until the end of time.

Typical Banker: WOW!!! Look at that Brian go!!! He's bogey free for the entire day, and how about that sweet deal to offer $0 commissions to average Investors on Stocks, Stock Options, and ETFs, just so my brokers can get twice as much cash via increased cash deposits!!! YOU GO BIG BRI!!!

Brian: HA!!! YEAH!!!! And Alex the Shankapottamus just got served BIG TIME!!!

60% of females in this world: OMG!!! Brian that Green Chip guy is SOOOOOOO CUUUUTTTTEEEE!!!!! He's everything I ever wanted in a man!!! A Ganker/Bolfer!!!! We're definitely gonna take him home with us!!! Are you girls getting hot, and steamy yet for an incredible Orgy???

by B-Vee in Stocks January 11, 2020

Baby Chips

Those weird "baby boomers" born after about 1955. These are the ones who got pounded on by their older siblings, or who entered a job market already saturated by the older boomers, and who sometimes get categorized as early x genes rather than boomers?

Well, it's been decided. If xennials get their own name, as a "micro generation" then so should these not boomers.

They are the Baby Chips. Kinda baby boomers, but with chips on their shoulders.

You're part of the baby chips generation

by Stormdaughter August 15, 2018