To molest young boys by fire light.
The first verified case of this was around Cheyenne Wyoming. Others think it arrived to Cheyenne via Phoenix, no one really knows. What is known is it as spread quickly and is a favorite past time in Brazil. This is not to be confused with the Surprise Flaming Sandusky. That is where the young boy thinks he is having a birthday party, only to be molested by the light of his birthday cake candles.
The scout master told the boys to gather wood. Little did they know they would soon be the recipient of the Flaming Sandusky.
A match or lighter put in front of the nozel of an aerosol can to make a miniature flame thrower
Lets start a camp fire. We have hairspray and a lighter for a "fourth grader flame thrower" so we can start one fast.
A fourth grader flame thrower is when a lighter and aerosol can are used to make a large flame. It is called a fourth grader flame thrower by some because those are materials kids can easily get access to in their houses. Because they are still adolescents, they are find it amusing to burn other objects using these home made flame throwers. Despite the name, it is still enjoyable for many older people, typically men.
How are we going to make a camp fire with just a lighter? I have spray deodorant in my bag, lets make a Fourth Grader Flame Thrower.
8 times a sizzling second
Yo dog, you want to drink beers for a flaming hour?
Yo, we'll smell you in a flaming hour, alright?
Someone who plays with jinwooly's woldo
Flame on recroom is a happy man
Someone who plays with jinwooly's woldo
Flame on recroom is a happy man
Another word for chlamydia.
Boy 1: I should never have hooked up with that chick last night!
Boy 2: Why's that?
Boy 1: I 've got a flaming dick