someone that just use legendary pokemon to win over other players in the pokemon games. What makes this bad is that you just have to catch them and not raise them at all like other pokemons.
person 1: that guy is a complete legendary noob look at his party! just legendaries.
getting screwed over so bad you instantly become a noob.
tends to happen right after epic fail or being owned so hard you can feel it in your ass.
j: arnout got noob screwed again yesterday...
o: oh lol, what a faggot :D
Bottling a game at the last possible moment as a consequence of being a newbie in the game and lacking the skills or levelheadedness to follow through.
A friend, let's call him Wout, has never won a game of bowling before. After leading the game since the start, he noob chokes during his final throws, resulting in a loss.
A person that talks condenscendingly in order to win an argument when in reality they are highly stupid.
Karen was insistent that calling some a Karen is morally worse than calling someone the n-word. "Do you just not understand why its worse, did you not go to college or something", smirked Karen in a patronising manner. Karen is an immense noob.
a term understood mostly by ancient Greek philosophers. It has many philosophical meanings.
get shrekt noob
1👍 1👎
A guy who blames ping for missing his shots
He lost because he's a WOT Noob.
12-year-old nerdy sweat who calls everyone a fall noob:
2nd place guy: What?!?!?
Sweaty kid: You.
Also sweaty kid: Loses to other guy in final
Other guy: Who’s the fall noob now?