Source Code

Suicide WHAM

When someone purposely puts last christmas by WHAM on the radio to make both the driver and passenger(s) lose WHAMageddon.

I am going to Suicide WHAM my family in the car.

by December 16, 2020

Suicide Welt

The resulting effects of an astronomically non-lethal impact on an otherwise lethal body zone (head etc). The triviality of the "welt" juxtaposed with the carnal seriousness of suicide produces a cocktail of true apathy, ineffectiveness, and inability.

"Wow, did you see Rodney's suicide welts? What a total lazybones with no real followthrough."

by ca$h AF August 14, 2024

technical suicide

Technical suicide (or T-suicide) is a way to say that you're gonna be under pressure when dealing with technical shit, like programming or IT management or hardware engineering and such

Man I'm already commiting technical suicide
Okay fuck this I'm gonna commit T-suicide

by Trollow December 27, 2024

Clintonic Suicide

Whenever someone connected to the Clintons, Epstein, or a whistleblower of any sort who has never been suicidal is found dead and the cause of death is suicide.

“Yo man did you hear how a witness is gonna take the stand against Epstein?”
“Do you live under a rock bro? He said he was willing to spill the beans on everything but then they found him hanging in his jail cell, said he was suffering from mental illness.”

“Ah damn the state got him, that’s the third Clintonic Suicide this year”

by Dredgen May 12, 2023

Suicide Shot

When you’re at party with various alcohols, you pour a mixture of all drinks into a shot glass and take it.

Vicky: I want another shot
Grave: what do you want?
Vicky: I don’t care, just give me a shot
Grave: you got it, here
Sara: umm what’s that?
Grave: a mixture of Jim beam, Jack daniels and absinthe; I call it the suicide shot.

by Chuckles the Clown of FOS April 21, 2023


When one individual passes the ball or object used in a game or sport to another player who is not good at that particular activity

Bro you're literally suiciding if you pass it to them

by um idk das a big word December 5, 2020

I'm gonna suicide

it's kinda joke that teenagers says to their parents to see their reaction and most of time their reaction would be

horrified then the Teenager says it was a joke even though it wasn't

Parents: what are you thinking about son?
Teenager: I'm gonna suicide
Parents: What the No don't do it we love you
Teenager: I'm joking I'm joking

by Someone that's happy November 3, 2023