The stupidest, weird, monke game ever, you are a gorilla & you are playing tag, simple, but fun
P1:watcha playing bro
P2:Gorilla tag, its so fun!
P1:i wish I could have it ;(
The average racist hangout for squeakers, racist 8 year olds, grown ups who give you death threats and the 1% of normal people
''Guy 1: Hey guys, Do you play gorilla tag?''
''Guy 2: Yeah, I scream racist things when I lose''
''Guy 1: Same here
''Guy 3: How are we even friends?''
A game filled with little racist children that scream slurs at the top of their lungs no matter what time of the day.
Tom: I play gorilla tag
Terry: Kill yourself
People who are obsessed with tagging photos of themselves, their friends and families on Facebook.
A message used in /r/FUNTALKS to mess with the bot
"Wow I just -Faq tagged the bot in MBTI chat!"
Running a tongue in circles until reaching the belly button or until uncle is yelled out.
Billy and Sarah were playing tummy-tag last week until Sarah laughed so hard she pissed her pants. She should have cried uncle sooner.
Marking something someone is doing, plans to do, or has done as excellent, neat, impressive, or exciting. Can be applied to people, events, fortune, and inanimate objects.
David: “I’ve been practicing and have come a long way! I’m not great yet, but I’m working really hard.”
Rory: “Good for you, man! Cool tag!”
David: “Look, fucker. The donuts are on sale.”
Rory: “Cool tag. Let’s buy three dozen.”