A lab diagnostic tool to access a medical student's drinking ability.
Hey Josh, I just finished my anatomy exam. I need a liver function test!
PETH is a blood test that is not fda approved and used by the faa HIMS program as reason to take a pilots medical certificate away. The peth test is supposedly only 94% accurate and has ruined lives.
I lost my medical certificate due to a false positive peth test.
A scientific test to understand the density of your breasts
Using calipers pinch the top part of your breast where the boob meets your rib/chest
The use the reading in mm to determine the density
5cm or more = very full breasts
4cm = full breasts
3.5xm = starting to sag
3cm = sagging
2.5cm = deflated
2cm = empty
1.5cm = skin bags
1cm = completely flat
.5cm = unbelievably empty
Less than .5cm = totally ruined
Test your breast density with this pinch test
squezing of the testes extremely hard
i gave him a teste squeeze so hard he sweeld up like a he got finger banged
History: A Jerry Can, is a metal container designed to transport 5.3 gallons of gasoline. These are commonly seen in military movies strapped to jeeps. The "Jerry Can Test" is actually a question: in a crisis situation would you rather have a certain person on your team or a Jerry Can of gasoline? If you would rather trade the person for a Jerry Can then they have failed the test.
I can't think of any reality TV stars that could pass the Jerry Can Test.
Mike Rowe and Chuck Norris ate the only people in Hollywood that could pass the Jerry Can test
a very hot sexual act where where you rub your butt on the others butt and start farting
man i just had a hot jonny test last night with tom brady