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Bunny Hill Dick

A very small penis, good for learning with but useless after that. Generally small in length and girth so it is less painful for virgins, but once they get used to having sex it is of an insufficient size. The term is derived from skiing and snowboarding where the starter hill for beginners, or bunny hill, is shorter and less steep and therefore easier for those beginners to cope with. Although the bunny hill is generally regarded as boring for those who know how to ski or snowboard, or in this case have sex. Often anything less than five inches long (12cm) and 4 and half inches in girth (11cm), but is definitely relative to the dimensions of the other sexual partner.

I was lucky, my first time was with a Bunny Hill dick so it didn't hurt too much, of course I'm looking for a real dick now LOL

by JakeCohen May 19, 2012

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Beverly Hills Day

Today's date being (9.02.10) marks it as a momentous point in history as it will never happen again. Well, not for 100 years, and by then no one will remember what Beverly Hills 90210 even was.

"dude i'm wearing a scrunchie to my Beverly Hills Day party tonight, how about you?"

"why would you wear a scrunchie, and why is it a Bevery Hills Day party?"

"today's date man, 9.02.10"

"dude, you are my hero. i'll wear my Nike Pumps"

by moose_p February 9, 2010

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head for the hills

To decide not to have kids at the last second

I was going to have kids with the wife, but decided to pull out and head for the hills at the last second!

by James9990909090 June 10, 2008

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hill billy joint

a prerolled joint or blunt that must be smoked only under certain conditions.

Pothead #1: Hey you gonna smoke that?
Pothead #2: Not until I'm ready to go home or I lose all my money

by Hillbilly Dave March 23, 2005

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Carriage Hills Kids

A group of 6 girls who all live/have lived in Carriage Hills, who have known each other since...forever.

Also called "the Posse".

They are:
and Sammie, who does not have a cool nickname and lives in Nigeria.

Ray-Ray and Smitherings started it with their friendship since the ages of either 3 or 4. They were then made into the Original Trio when TNT joined forces with them around kindergarden. Celesticles joined with her friendship to Smitherings in the first grade and has been there ever since. Even though there was the big fight between her and TNT in either 3rd or 4th grade, they are now best friends. Jadeypadey and Sammie both joined in 3rd grade when they were both in Smitherings and Celesticles class. Jadeypadey and Celesticles live across the street from one another.

The Posse was really official in the 7th grade with the start of Tradition, which was then going to Sonic every Friday. However, over the years, it has progressed into going to Wendy's and Wal-Mart every Friday.

Sammie moved to Nigeria on August 1st of 2006, but she has not been expelled from the Posse. She will be returning.

"Yeah, my friends are the best. They're the Carriage Hills Kids :D"

by Ray-Ray!!!!!!!!!!!! March 27, 2007

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pulling a cypress hill

Getting toasted, Nicely Toasted

Smoking a big dirty 2 skinner or Pulling A Cypress Hill

by Lionel Ritchie December 26, 2007

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Green Hill Side

A fat womans left on poop side.

Ugh,Abby's green hill side is full of green!

by Stormy Littles May 15, 2011

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