Maddie: Awh its a chick!!!!
Jay, who somehow rhymes with gay: bro is it a boi or girl-
A baby chicken, can also be used as a definition for woman or girl.
“I heard grandpa’s chicks hatched yesterday!”, “Hey dude, remember that chick that tried to flirt with you?”
The ship name of a Jack and a Chiara. Despite being a conveniently decent ship name because it is an actual word, it is possibly the worst couple of all time, as both of them are so fucking annoying and love to shove paper (and other things), down each other's backs.
There's Chick shoving those "other things" down their backs.
A sexy ass woman who is attractive that you want to fuck with.
Look at that chick over there, I can see her pussy dripping
A “Chick-Fil-A Girl” is a term reserved for a girl with the most bread and water with no ice personality you’ve ever seen. Qualities include: Living in the suburbs, having more than a 1,000 followers on instagram with less than 10 posts, blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin, listening to taylor swift, & dating a white guy with brown hair who listens to Drake religiously while claiming he listens to “Hip-Hop.”
The Chick-Fil-A in the name originates from the fact that 90% of Women that eat at Chick-Fil-A fit these standards.
“I saw insert basic name here the other day! She’s such a Chick-Fil-A Girl!”
A restaurant frequented by trump supporters who believe in there sky fairy since this place forces people to worship there sky fairy and say the f slur to gay people and beat the crap out of gays, blm supporters, transgenders, non catholics, democrats in general, etc
Chick fil a is the westboro Baptist church of food