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anal rind

an extremely annoying, sad arsed prick who talks shite. North east england in origin

"Alan, man, shut the fuck up yer anal rind. all ye dee is talk aboot fuckin playstation. get a life"

by Normac September 24, 2006

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anal stickage

When anal hair sticks from one cheek to the other. Usually caused by poop particles, semen slippage from masterbation, or just plain sweat. Usually very painful to pull apart and can leave a red irritating bump.

Tim told me he had his worst anal stickage of the year after he worked out and had his post workout poop and masterbation session.

by 69'n pubes October 29, 2010

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anal raisin

anal raisins

the small pieces of shit stuck in your pisshole after buttfucking a constipated man or woman

small chunks of turd around and in the cock

after i reamed his asshole all night i had so many anal raisins floating in the toilet it looked like chunky soup

man i had a hard time pissing out the anal raisins stuck in my pisshole

my cock was filled with so many anal raisins i couldn't even blow my load in his mouth and i was cum-clogged

she had so many anal raisins and kling-on's around her anus it smelled like a shit factory

the bitch was chewing on the anal raisins i shot in her mouth they were stuck in her teeth

by puparoo July 29, 2011

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Anally Allergic

when a certain food or drink touches your lips you instantly feel the need to shit your brains out violently, leaving you little time to make it to the bathroom, usually just ending up as a really shitty shart!

Oh no thanks, I probably shouldn't have that I am anally allergic, and I don't see a bathroom nearby...i.e no further than a foot.

by LC, Boston December 16, 2009

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anal muff

Pubic hair forming a perimeter around the anal sphincter.

After I toungue fucked Heidi's red eye, I noticed I received a full teeth flossing due to her dense anal muff.

by steeda November 16, 2005

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anal punishment

When you are severely punished anally and your anal cavity is ruptured.

You deserve anal punishment you Mexican.

by lil turrrrd November 30, 2017

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Anal Suppression

When a person recieving anal sex squeezes their butt cheeks together when the male pulls his penis out of the anus.

Juan performed Anal Suppression on Lance.

by Mikey G of Dublin July 17, 2006

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