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Asian Stir Fry

To throw up, shit, piss and cum in a womens mouth and haver her gargle and swallow it.

I sure gave her a steamy Asian Stir fry last night!

by hello1471 April 4, 2009

14πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

asian pizza guy

dino's asian pizza guy, delivers free cans of coke at 3am for sex.

asian pizza guy: would you like some asian in you?

by Matilda Nine November 21, 2008

22πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


You see this people in white societies especially in Australia, where Asians such as Chinese, Indians and more who were born there tends to think of themselves β€˜white’. They try to look as β€˜white’ as they

can. The Wannabe-white-Asians think they are superior then other Asian. Calling other Asians β€˜Wing Wong’ when he/she’s the one who looks even more Asian.

Look at that *Wannabe-white-Asian* over there trying to flex his AirPods and has nose-piercing who can’t walk with their body straight.

by Umdum69 March 28, 2019

18πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

American Washed Asian

an asian who stands out from the crowd. he/she is not like the rest of the asian. an asian who's best friends consists of a lot of white people.

Preston: "Stephanie's so white, she's an american washed asian."

by quachy July 29, 2008

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Crazy Rich Asian

A crazy rich Asian is a person who loves to spend their money on stupid things. Gucci bags, Rolex watches, Louis Vuitton sunglasses, and things that no one else would buy. A crazy rich Asian would buy $400 shoes, say it is cheap and compare it to red bottoms. They dream to go to Coachella at 11 years old and know what they are going to wear, a full Louis Vuitton outfit. They would spin a fidget spinner and say "that's cheap"! They usually come from Singapore, Indonesia, or Hong Kong. So if you see someone's closet stuffed with Balenciaga, then you know that they are a crazy rich Asian.

He is a crazy rich Asian

by Edu117 April 23, 2019

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Far East Asian

A person who either has descendants or born in East Asia (China Taiwan Hong Kong North and South Korea Japan Mongolia Laos Vietnam Thailand Cambodia Indonesia the Philippines etc.) With eyes having Epicanthic Folds (That's not caused by Down syndrome) who are heavily reference as "Yellow people" or Mongoloid race

I dislike the term yellow to Define Asians because it's only referencing Far East Asians Indians are Asians too.

by EmJayee September 30, 2017

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

asian fart porn

Asian fart porn is in the name porn with Asians that fart in the video

Asian fart porn uh uh uh πŸ’¨

by Ifujustgotdonereedindisurlafin April 2, 2018

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