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Continental Breakfast

A cheap “breakfast” that CEOs and managers get their employees, paid for with their corporate credit card, and with a copy of the receipt to give to the company so that they can get reimbursed, because god forbid you spend 1/100,000th of your yearly salary on your staff to show that you actually give a rats ass about them. Typically purchased from whichever donut shop is the cheapest (and on their way to work so they don’t need to use an extra $0.90 of gas), this meal is comprised of donuts and/or muffins, fruits, toast, and coffee.

CEO: On Monday we will feature a continental breakfast for the first time in two years to show you all how much we appreciate your hard work that you prioritize over spending time with your family so that you can still afford to pay rent.

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 6, 2023

Pussy for breakfast

Pussy for breakfast means that your sucking pussy or having sex in the morning

i had pussy for breakfast

My freind:
What you had pussy for breakfast OMG

by Sophiathefirst2015 September 22, 2021

Floridian Breakfast

The act of Eating McNuggets and drinking a Four Loko in the shower. This is usually done after sleeping in until the early afternoon, but it can technically be done any time of the day. Some individuals also “salt” the rim of their Four Loko with methamphetamine crystals, however this variation is unique to certain regions and is not considered “traditional”.

Kyle: Hey Sarah, do you want anything to eat?
Sarah: No thanks, I just had a Floridian Breakfast and I’m feeling pretty good.

by CatDaddy2022 February 3, 2024

Gentleman’s breakfast

This is when you’re girlfriends dad eats your ass and you return the favor

Johnny did the gentleman’s breakfast with Ellie’s dad

by Yamar Jackson March 26, 2022

Gentleman’s Breakfast

A purchase made before noon consisting of copious amounts of cheap alcohol and a cheap snack

A Gentleman’s Breakfast of two 40s and a bag of peanuts is a great way to start the day.

by Gus Polinski October 20, 2019

Biggy Breakfast

A "Biggy Breakfast" is a sexual term referring to the act of putting an American breakfast (consisting of pancakes or other substitute, maple syrup, scrambled or over easy eggs, crispy bacon, and an optional side of fruit) on a fat woman's genitals after the male has climaxed inside said genitals. The male then takes a bite of as much food as possible in one bite, and gives the rest to the fat woman. The semen adds a salty taste and creates an enjoyable creaminess to every bite.

Henry: "Hey Margaret, wanna do a Biggy Breakfast?"
Margaret: "Sure! I'm really craving some breakfast food right now. Let's do it without fruit though."

by tiddle smikkums April 21, 2024

Breakfast Club

Verb: being put into a situation with strangers, but you quickly bond and feel comfortable with one another. Despite this, you do not associate after this experience.

“Oh I know him. We breakfast clubbed a while ago.”

by Bobo Chino January 15, 2019