Pish Dust is very low grade poor quality street heroin sold by Indy, a rubbish drug dealer in Leeds UK
I couldn't get any decent gear today so had to buy a bag of Pish Dust for the time being
Pish Dust is extremely poor quality low grade street heroin that is not at all value for money
I couldn't get hold of any decent gear so as a last resort scored a bag of Pish Dust
Angels Pixy Dust is cocaine and a different way to say just kinda like weed with "who trynna smoke the devils lettuce"
"Yo who trynna snort the angels pixy dust"
The act of a kid named Owen fisting a girl named Sam and then drinking her pussy juices.
I moon dusted my girl last night
Can be used to describe a single female (Dust Trap)or a group of females (Dust Traps) who sleep around a lot and play with mens hearts.
popularised by a master of women, Mr Sheen.
Example 1:
Son: Dad, there was a man in mommy’s bedroom yesterday when you were at work and i walked in on them wrestling with their clothes off.
Dad: i knew i shouldn’t have married her she’s a proper dust trap.
Example 2:
Friend 1: Those girls over there look nice let’s go talk to them.
Friend 2: Nah i know them their all proper dust traps.
A dusty dude who uses his woman's money & his own to "surprise" her with a busted car or house. He believes his contribution is more valid than her own, & that he doesn't have to consult her with any major decisions. Posts his "accomplishment" on the internet while dragging her for being "ungrateful." Has no more money to even start repairs on the fixer upper, but expects praise.
The pick mes lust over the man who posted his dust Trap on the internet.