Source Code

cutting bread

When someone has a wedgie and are walking with a limp because their underpants are too far up their dot.

Ahh look at that lady limping she got cutting bread

by cuttingbreadking April 1, 2018

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Cut this Bread

Make change

Yo I gotta cut this bread. Can I get two fives and a ten?

by seiyonoryuu May 14, 2017

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cuts the meat

Having the sex

"I cuts the meat!"

by freddyfatso August 15, 2008

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cut hair

"To cut hair" is slang for "to smoke marijuana". The phrase is thought to stem from the practice of shaving one's head in order to pass a hair follicle drug test, though it may possibly be related to alleged hair loss from heavy marijuana use. Also in use, though less common are extrapolations such as "sheared".

1: Hey man, did you get the weed?
2: Yeah, let's go cut hair.

by 44074 June 16, 2008

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A film editing technique. Like the "J-cut" or the "L-cut" it's used when the sound occurs prior to or not over the sync visual. Similarly, the definition of a K-cut is when you use sound over black before bringing up the sync image. It's called the K-cut for two reasons, the first because it's used over black and K is the letter designated to black as in CMYK. The other reason is because it's named after the editor who coined this term, Kai.

The use of K-cuts in that horror movie really made it much scarier because it left the visual to the viewers imagination.

by kaifang September 22, 2009

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bowl cut

a hair cut that resembles a bowl. usually found on little children and older women. You can achieve a bowl cut by putting bowl on ones head and cutting off any hair that hangs over the bowl.

Did you see Janices hair? It's like a bowl cut!

by janmhorowi May 17, 2017

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Corona Cut

A hair cut that you did on yourself or was done on you during quarantine for the COVID-19 pandemic

Fred: What's up with your goofy ass looking hair?
Robert: I finally decided to get a Corona Cut and it looks like shit now

by A Turd Sandwich May 7, 2020

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