When you find a gem like no other gem and you let her know it because she's worth keeping forever.
Typical M fearlessly leaped while B cannon-balled as they decided to jump in the pool together.
When Nicki Minaj jumps on a trampoline
Woah that girl is a jiggle jump
Two ppl naked on a trampoline one punches the other in the throat then proceeds jumping
Bitch I'll do a jumping giraffe on you
something that is usually defined as a joke, usually.
You:"What character wanna do {friend name}"
Friend:"wanna go and be jumping a child and steal his candy?"
You:"Of course shawty"
The coolest shit you have ever seen, dude straight up does a squat then does a backflip followed by a moonwalk and a shot
Holy shit, Fred is about to do a backwards jump-squat, this is going to be fucking hilarious when he messes up!