The same kinds of people who bought all the toilet paper will be the ones trying to get more restrictions and shut downs while they make money off the toilet paper and water, allowing them to go without being policed, while trying to get everyone else policed, it's the way some people have always been.
What kind of hypocrisy is worse than the shit people are doing with the toilet paper and water. Its silliness, but that doesn't make it funny.
u cant get it u wont get it just wipe your ass with your hand like the indian scammers
1.damn i cant get toilet paper
2. today i had fought in the pit for toilet paper
3.the corona virus made my toilet go away pls help
Kid: mummmm we need some more toilet paper
Kids mum: sorry love but Karen stole it all fat greedy wanker
The thing Aussies need most during the Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak.
Look at how stupid people are! They are hoarding toilet paper for a flu like virus!!
Hym “I wipe my nose with toilet paper you idiot. For every 1 roll of toilet paper, you get 5-boxes-of-tissue-worth of nose blowing material. It’s for my nose you clown.”
Something everyone needs to buy as much as they can of because coronavirus.
Person 1: Woah! Is that toilet paper?
Person 2: Yeah and it’s mine.
Person 1: I’ll pay $1,000. Pleasssssssse I need it nowwwww.
Person 2: Pathetic. This roll of toilet paper is obviously worth more than that. Never speak to me again.
A piece of cloth-like paper with mostly 100-500 pieces of paper to wipe your booty and your ¥
I used toilet paper to wipe me booty hole