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Bugger and piss

The chief goblin and golumite snowy Kie invented this phrase after he buggered and pissed 8 times in one day

*enters room*
Bugger and Piss!!

by Suspicious T May 8, 2021

Piss Suck

The act of simultaneously sucking a vape while taking a piss, usually at a public urnal at a place such as work or a sporting event or in your home.

Mark- “what are you doing over there bruce?”
Bruce- “oh I’ m just taking a piss suck. It gives me plenty of time to get my suck in and get other things done!”

by Warthog0129 August 6, 2022

Chunky piss

When you have a piss which is fully brewed, usually for a piss bandit

I got a chunky piss ready for this washroom might wanna evacuate the building

by Swampedbandit April 16, 2022

Piss Bucketeer

Like a soggy biscuit, the game of piss bucketeer involves a group of men around a bucket. Each must piss into the bucket going around the circle until someone runs out. Whoever is the first unable to pee must drink the contents of the bucket, either straight or through a beer bong.

Leah: Michael and the guys played piss bucketeer last night.
Andre: who lost?
Leah: Jared, apparently he only made it halfway down before puking.

by spiders&socks November 28, 2021

piss that shit

1: When oneself, after deficating, decides to violently urinate on their feces.
2: When one may be confused, this term comes in handy so the person by you gets confused and you no longer look confused.
3: This term also comes in handy in describing a bad situation.

Random guy in class:"Hey man, what is the square root of 10 again? "
You: "Piss that shit"
Random guy in class: "Wait, what?"

by Oregun November 5, 2015

Piss spicket

Another name for male genitalia

I have the best piss spicket. Wanna see it?

by Tony5150 August 27, 2022

vanilla pissing

a euphuism referring to the act of ejaculation in males as a result of an orgasm.

One of my friends introduced me to the art of vanilla pissing. Once you try it you'll never go back.

by dr. qubed March 3, 2022