Short for "Pretty good."
"How was the movie, broski?"
"Pre goo."
Unbridled and dishonest feelings of pre orgasm
*thrusting* "i love you" (he doesn't actually mean that)
"He told me he loved me while inside of me... he just had pre nut cloudiness"
A period during Pre-IB where there are numerous assignments due throughout a student’s Pre-AP, Pre-IB, and AP classes are due around the same time.
Y’all, this is some Pre-IB Hazing bull crap (Presentation in AP Human Geography, Test in Pre-AP Geometry, 2 Pager due in Pre-IB English 1, Essay in AP Human Geography, Test in AP Computer Science Principles, Test in AP Human Geography, Test in Pre-IB English 1, Project in Pre-AP Geometry, Test in Pre-AP Spanish 2, all in one week. This is a real example)
(Verb) Pre-spraying is when someone knows that they are about to take a massive shit, like a bomb; a volcano; the big one, so they spray air freshener before hand so they don't have to bare the stank and/or so they don't have to spray as much air freshener to rid of the stank afterwards.
I had Taco Bell last night, so I pre-sprayed the bathroom before I shat because I knew dat shit was goin to stank.
The crazy ass shit you do before a date. You somehow become some IT genius from every bad movie ever and you figure everything out about the other person. Including but not limited to accidentally liking a photo from there prepubescent days.
I was ready to go on a date with Reece but I freaked out because I couldn't find him on social media anywhere, worst pre-stalk ever!
when you send a picture of yourself in a bra / underwear
my girl be sendin me pre nudes
This is a newer slang to refer to a child who has failed one of the years in preschool.
Teacher : sorry to say this but your daughter is a pre-ker
Dad : again she's seven how many more times!
Teacher : she has failed the fourth time I would have rolled into a different School or homeschool her