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social zero

(Noun) A person who is unpopular, but has a few trusted friends that they have known for a long time . Always hangs out with the same person every day at break and lunch. This term is used to describe an unpopular high schooler. Also ranks at the bottom of the popularity list.

Girl 1: Aww I feel really sorry for the girl who always eats lunch with the same person.
Girl 2: Oh you mean the social zero?

by jillyjank October 18, 2010

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Social Distancing

The thing we are all at this point required to do 24/7/366 thanks to our wonderful friend Miss Rona.

I remember when I always said, β€œI can’t, I have orchestra rehearsal.” Now it’s more like, β€œI can’t, I have social distancing.”

by Pialinist June 10, 2020

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Social Butterkitty

refers to someone who is popular as a social butterfly but sly as a cat.

See that boy with all those girls? He is a real social butterkitty.

by wisecat July 19, 2010

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social introvert

An introverted person who likes to hang out with people virtually and online rather than in person.

Nancy likes to spend a lot of time on social media, and not really hang out with people in real life very often. I'd consider a social introvert.

by @price5233 May 7, 2020

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socially excited

it is your on booz and people say your drunk and u say no i am not drunk im socially excited when you rely r drunk.

when durunk: i am not drunk im socially excited!

by nikki9493 October 20, 2007

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communism and socialism

i guess "fuck you rich college faggots Kill hippies!!!" is some paranoid middle class person (no, i will not resort to pointless swearing) who contradicts themself at every possible opportunity. firstly, you cannot properly define socialism because it can take so many other forms. secondly, communism has never been achieved. humans are not set up to create a communist government because we are selfish, among other things. i could go on, as the crap that you wrote is wrong but i won't go into details or i would end up writing a novel.

the guy im talking about says "fuck you rich college faggots" yet he is probaly republican/right-wing and probably supports bush who only got through college because he is rich. communism and socialism.

by KSL June 3, 2006

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social engineering

Social Engineering is used primarily in the cracking world. These previous defintions talking about free drinks etc IS NOT social engineering. That is a con or scam. Social Engineering is a art form. It is the ability to gain peoples trust and using that information for your own nefarious purposes. Social Engineering can range from the most mundane to elaborate ruses. It can be someone asking a another person for their password or it can be someone pretending to be a a employee of a trusted company to get access to something. Keep in mind the ultimate goal is to get access to something. People are not stupid which is why social engineering came about. A usual direct question to someone for a password or login is going to give you a no answer. However when applying social engineering you would be calling or speaking to this person under the premise that you work for the helpdesk or the telephone co. You temporarily befriend this person get their guard down then get the information you need. Kevin Mitnick was a master of Social of Engineering.

I was able to use Social Engineering with Joe by pretending to work for the Phone Company. I called him and was able to get the employee login list.

I made a fake badge for a tech firm and was able to social engineer my way into the datacenter where I got access to some servers where I was able to install a backdoor.

by Hi-Tech-H8 November 12, 2005

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