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snot tap

Another word used for a nose. Usually used when someone has a runny nose or is sick

Hey Dave, the old snot tap's running again

by Snoty August 24, 2017

tip tap charlie

Someone who is a tip tap Charlie is a football player who backs himself with the ball at his feet, they are also someone who does the fancy things well. Typically a tip tap Charlie is creative midfielder or attacking player.

Jack Grealish is a right tip tap Charlie

by Jan Burzynski June 20, 2022

Russian love tap

To knock out someone with a strong punch.

Yea so this guy named Nathan was being a bitch so I have him a Russian love tap.

by GreyTheHuman February 21, 2020

dolally tap

A term used for a Welsh man from South Wales valleys who has had one too many disco biscuits

Dai is up the club, be careful around him he's dolally tap

by Jenko316 May 12, 2023

secret tap

The "secret tap" is a special gesture communicated by a hockey linesman to the head referee for when he wants a minor penalty called on the play. Often used to make minor hockey games more interesting or by lesser qualified referees leaning on the linesmens help.

Logan often had to use the "secret tap" with Alex as he missed multiple infractions per period.

by The Mr. Wonderful February 4, 2017

Russian tap water

A cocktail consisting of


Oh dude can you order me a Russian tap water, I’ll pay you back later

by SammyHammy May 26, 2023

Tesla tap

As soon as you see a Tesla vehicle, gently tap your partner and shout Tesla tap. It's a kinder, gentler version of Slug bug. If you Tesla tap, and it's not really a Tesla, your partner can Tesla smack you back.

When Hana and I were driving down the road and saw an on-coming Tesla model 3, she Tesla tapped me.

by eeveeniks December 18, 2018