Military Term.
After washing your hands, you proceed to wipe your hands on your pants in lieu of no paper towels readily available.
See also: Iraqi Paper Towels
Jim: I'm so glad my hands are clean, but I don't have anything to dry them with.
Terry: Bro, Afghani Paper Towels. Duh.
An album by Gupi, released in late 2022.
(In the car)
P1: Yo, Gupi just dropped!
P2: Oh shit, play it on the speakers!
(Song begins)
P2: Damn this song ‘goop honker’ slaps! What’s the album?
P1: It says ‘Paper Eater’
Another workd for toilet paper.
Used to clean your batty crease after the toilet
Jheeze I forgot to get some "batty paper" from the shop
Blotting paper, sometimes called bibulous paper, is a highly absorbent type of paper or other material. It is used to absorb an excess of liquid substances (such as ink or oil) from the surface of writing paper or objects.
I want to buy some sort of paper which absorbs excess liquid from a object or writing paper
You should use blotting-paper
Gabby Lewis is the biggest nut out there and I want to mess her up plz hit my line up🤤🤤
Paper nut wants me to come to her party!!!🔥
Clamping toilet paper with your chin while beating off, making it accessible to clean up your huge load quickly.
A gentleman never forgets his toilet paper ascot when he comes……you spelled cum wrong.
Noun. A subtle non-violent war that takes place on a civilian level in the name of economic advancement of a group of people who share likeness, usually on a corporate level.
1. I started my own business because I got sick of dealing with paper war's on the job.
2. Girl, I left (Job A) a month ago and found one that appreciated me because they kept starting paper war's talking to me any way then writing me up when I responded uncomfortable!
3. I looked at the top 100 people who worked at the company I was applying for and the only person who looked like me was the woman on the brochure, it's just giving me paper war energy!
Example: (Party A) is hiring and promoting mostly people who resemble them while simultaneously making work hard, uncomfortable, or difficult for (PartyXYZ) so they quit. This will allow (Party A) to get a hold of a business in a nice area and establish themselves away from all the chaos on their side of town. As a defense to keep unwanted hires out (Party A) will usual put (PartyXYZ) in the cooler area to push them to give up and quit, makes easy for Paper War to begin.