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Why is urban dictionary a thing

it was supposed to be a dictionary for words but become a mindless shitty thing for jokes and sexual stuff and more.

tommy: MAMA

mom:kid why u cry


mom:fuck u

tommy: why is urban dictionary a thing

by My Password January 21, 2023

Nick, Why You Bully Me

A lil bitch ass mexican's catchphrase. Used mockingly to annoy a specific person.

Hey Nate, "Nick, why you bully me"

by OnGodBro69 July 8, 2023

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

why does my family treat me like a red headed step child

Because I'm white, autistic, ADHD, kind, good, loving, ALWAYS right, and their golden girl wants me so bad she calls me God ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿป โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿง˜๐Ÿป โ™‚๏ธ

Why does my family treat me like a red headed step child, I talk good!

by Jumpingchaos March 8, 2024

idek why

I don't even know why

Sometimes we fuck on the weekends
Idek why

by Emily the great March 23, 2014

Why, what a TEMPEH you are in!

What da fishes "answered with a grin" after Humpty Dumpty sternly warned them dat "it will be better to obey" his request dat they send him some of their primest specimens for his dinner-table, rather than his having to grumblingly continue with da disgusting bean-curd crap dat he was presently being obliged to gag down because he wasn't having any luck catching fish to eat.

Perhaps after Humpty Dumpty received da fishes' amused "Why, what a TEMPEH you are in!" response and thus failed at getting any tasty omega-oils-rich fillets to fry up, he instead began resorting to starchy white underground tubers for his sauteed sustenance, and dat's how "Da Great H. D." snacks company was founded.

by QuacksO January 27, 2021

Why do people hate Ayn Rand?

Ummm... Isn't it obvious?

Hym "Why do people hate Ayn Rand?"

A fucking retard "Because she says it's wrong for me to expect them to sacrifice their lives for I can harvest them for resources and organs for my kids! If I don't convert their lives into wealth and then funnel it up the hierarchy, I won't have any stuff! Or, worse, I won't have relatively better stuff!"

by Hym Iam March 6, 2024

Why Does She Not Like Me?

Your a fucking loser stop whining about why she does not like you. go out talk to people or heres a craaazy idea talk to HER because me and you know you've been just staring at her in class. i know how you feel. but have faith in yourself (unless you have anime stickers of 02 on your Chromebook) your a good guy in heart just go up to her start a conversation, you only have one life. don't waste it! and hey if shes a bitch about you confessing that just means you dodged a bullet. I BELIEVE IN YOU! merry christmas. -mr krabs

YOU GOT THIS RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why Does She Not Like Me? <--- put that because it made me to

by Mr Krabs Quotes December 11, 2021