a refined nerd is someone who is a nerd in just about every sense of the term: they typically are highly intelligent, excellent with computers, watch Star Trek, play roleplaying games such as World of Warcraft, Warhammer, and Dungeons and Dragons, can recite Monty Python verbatum, edit Wikipedia, collect comic books and action figures, watch anime, read Tolkein and CS Lewis, go to the releases of Harry Potter at midnight, go to or work at historical reinactments and reniassance faires, and play chess, yet have a social life, dress nicely, play sports, and just by looking at them you'd probably never guess they're a nerd.
Hi, i'm Annie the refined nerd. i have a whole room dedicated to my comic books, my favorite way to procrastinate is to play World of Warcraft, I know how to program computers, i got straight a's in school, i've cut class just so i could re-read the Harry Potter books, i've watched every Star Trek series and i went as an Enterprise security officer for Halloween(the guys were all over me), i know all the songs from Spamalot, i dust my collection of action figures that i won in cosplay contests daily, i've read all the LOTR books and seen the movies, i've worked at a reniassance faire, and i play DnD every Friday with some friends i know from my fencing class. i wear glasses for reading, but they're flattering torotiseshell frames, not coke bottle glasses held together with masking tape. when I can't buy clothes at Comic Con, I buy them from Macy's or even Hollister. and oh yes, i don't stick pens in my shirt pocket and i wouldn't be caught dead in highwaters!
When a nerdy couple's kisses often result in the scraping of their glasses and the result sounds like deer antlers (but made of plastic).
Did you see Jenny and Bobby kiss? They have nerd antlers.
When a nerd rager makes an attempt to insult, slander or upset someone with horrible comebacks.
Nerd Dogger: (yelling at player A) dude, that was so gay it makes your family gay."
Player B: (sarcasm)WHOA! player A, you just got nerd dogged...lol
Player A: Ouch....am I suppose to cry now?
Someone who knows his nerd topics to the fullest extent. Someone who knows his LOTR, StarWars, Marvel Comics, DC, D&D and all Genera to boot.
Mark is "fully nerd", he just quoted me lines from SW episode IV, LOTR and MARVEL comics in 5 mins.
Ones finger who games alot, may be inflamed, and or sore. Commonly covered in Orange powdery substance.
That guy has a serious case of nerd finger.
A bitch that suck hella cock and usually her name starts with a J. But also is very pushy and thinks nobody can beat her up!?
Omg your girlfriend is such a nerd bop bro
a person who is so smart and so nerdy they actually tutor another smart nerdy person
"Wow that guy is such a Nerd Meister, hes tutoring that girl, shes already a genius"