national boyfriends day is on 2 of august right after national girlfriends day
person: have u posted your bf today?
person2: no why
person: it’s national boyfriends day
A sexual encounter with an affectionate male sex worker who provides cuddling, kissing, and intimacy.
Besides great sex, he provided the boyfriend experience such as kissing, cuddling, and hugging
A sexual encounter with an affectionate male sex worker who provides cuddling, kissing, and intimacy.
Besides great sex, he provided the boyfriend experience such as kissing, cuddling, and hugging
A sexual encounter with an affectionate male sex worker who provides cuddling, kissing, and intimacy.
Besides great sex, he provided the boyfriend experience such as kissing, cuddling, hugging, and deep conversation.
i love love love love love my boyfriend!!!! :) hes so cool and has poofy hair that can turn into 2 tiny pigtails
someone: wheres the tall guy that always follows you around today?
me: tall guy? you mean my boyfriend? yea he's getting boba for us!
someone: wow, I wish I had a boyfriend like yours
A person who doesnt exsist......... YAY! :(
Me: My boyfriend is really hot!
y/n: But he doesnt even exsist?
Me: Yeah, thats because he is burned by the sun......... HEHEHEH
the most perfect, amazing, caring person ever, hes the only person ive ever loved, and i never want to lose him
my boyfriend is so amazing:)