Someone sexy, toned, and self kept. Dispite his many wonderful traits, he has anger issues he struggles to keep at bay. He’ll blow you off and not see a problem with it. But man, is he good in bed
When a person gets all sick of a group and takes the time to say they are DONE/finished with said group.
Are BranDONE with the group?
The Brandon Effect is when all or a majority of your previous partners have tried offing themselves before, during, or after the relationship
Person 1: yeah bro all my previous girlfriends have tried offing themselves
Person 2: dam dude that’s The Brandon Effect
You know that Brandon eyink kid
O that kid he’s not going to college
Brandon is a common name for a rim grazing, small, unathletic, dumb human that has no iq and is so cocky
Have you seen that Brandon brAzell he’s so trash
A small, imp-like homophobic gay that always has dry cum on his chin.
“Did u see what he did to her? That’s what I call giving a good Brandon a birthmark!”