When somebody is telling a lie or another form of falsity
"You heard about John and that girl on holiday?"
"Yeah don't believe him he's hiring bulls"
When you fuck a Tijuana hooker in the ass and inadvertently end up with a jalapeno seed in your pee hole leading to an infection which makes your dick look like a swollen, angry bull frog.
Dude, about a week after our trip to Mexico my dick swelled up so big!!! I went to the doctor and he found a pepper seed in my pee hole. That slut gave me a jalapeno bull frog
Baby’s punching the living daylight out of each other 69420
Baby bulling is a dangerous thing said mark
Lying or stretching the truth. Sowing seeds of deception. Speaking about things to be seen not heard.
So my ex called me last night the whole conversation was him planting da bull...
It's like bull shit, but it's been stacked so high that the metamorphic processes have kicked in.
1. NY wants to ban wood fire grills and everybody thinks it's a bunch of bull schist.
2. In fact, the bull schist in NY is stacked so high, it could end our dependence on fossil fuels.
Another word commonly used for in substitution for the word slut or whore
Someone who is known for sucking dick
“Whoa that girl is such a snazzy bull wrangler”