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camp kweebec

Camp Kweebec is the happiest place on earth if you like wasps!! During grove time , be carful by the gymnastics shed becuase you might see stuff u don’t want to see 💋. Never eat the chicken cause u will most likely get food poisoning. If you are homesick that sucks for you. Look for your cousncelor in the off day cabin if u don’t know where they went !!

camp kweebec: where u will get your first kiss

by bigbutt4545 November 28, 2021

Choir camp

The opposite of band camp, A place where choir kids, choir nerds, and choir freaks go to be themselves. You basically sing for five hours straight. And there’s a 60% chance that it’s next to a band camp.

I had so much fun at choir camp, we prank the band camp over there.

by Purpstar615 December 7, 2022

Camp Cherokee

It’s not just a camp, it’s a feeling. The feeling of having a purpose and a second home that you get to share with people who are just as crazy as you are:)

I get to spend 3 weeks at Camp Cherokee this summer.

by Hey4696 March 29, 2019

camp funny

Camp funny is if camping became funny. Camp funny isn't just a word it is a life style.

That was so camp funny it made me touch grass.

by theguywhogoes October 19, 2022

GENERATE Camp by YM360

Hell on earth. Despite being depicted as a "4 days out in nature and growing with god" it is anything but that. Usually occuring between May and August of a given year, GENERATE will first take $450 out of you. Once you arrive in the middle of nowhere, you are greeted with run-down trailors, usually not air conditioned and smell awful. The first day, youre belongings get confencated by GENERATE. You are taken to a holding cell and one of the staff verbally abuses you. The next thing is you are stripped like Elan Schools. Dehumanization is a common thing in YM360's "summer camps". On day 2 you are forced to do backbreaking labour such as mining for Rubidium for their road cyclists or construction. Waken up at 4 am and worked till 11pm and given little to no food, this is how GENERATE YM360 treats its visitours. for day 3 and 4, it is backbreaking labour or gas chambers that run on zyklon B. on average 60% of participants die from exaustion, gas chambers, or beatings.

Colin: Lets go to GENERATE 2023!!!!
Chad: no, iv been there. its hell on earth. Generate Camp by YM360 is hell on earth, with brainwashing, harassment, and backbreaking labor. I was nearly sent to the gas chamber once.

by Knmagor December 6, 2023

Cozy Camp


stay away from cozy camp

by YoungCunureMedicZurrtyTVTeeCub May 31, 2021


The fake, pseudo-gay accent hetrosexuals automatically use when confronted with a gay (sales) man.

So, he asked me what I thought of his shoes and I went straight into auto-camp, threw up my hands and cried "Darling! They're FABulous!"

by Lord Ducksworth April 14, 2011