A derogatory term for a police officer and their adoration of donuts.
“Don’t speed, Andrew! Donut Warriors like to hide on this stretch of highway!”
When two individuals engage in a reverse human centipede, aligning their anuses - to causing a somewhat unobservable eclipse of the buttholes.
Donut friendships are usually initiated between inebriated friends, but the act has some has some obvious sexual connotations.
A study (citation needed), declares that those who partake in a donut friendship are said to form closer bonds than even the most intimate human relationships.
"My donut friend Paul is coming over tonight for dinner."
"Would you like me to leave?"
"No it's ok, we'll go to a different room to reunite. We have a lot to catchup on."
A woman who will eat donuts off your boner.
Chloe Roma 2022, 2023
I’m still waiting for my donut queen.
Friend: Who isn’t?!!?
A girl who will eat donuts off your boner.
I’m still looking for my donut queen.
A beautiful woman soles, covered in cum, or something creamy.
Wow dude, that girl has some glazed donuts soles!
When two or more homosexual males play ring-toss, using donuts and their erected penis.
Jay informed Brad that he prefers a chocolate glazed, when Donut Dicking.
When the Dunkin' truck is stolen and then subsequently crashes, spilling donuts into the roadway.
I don't want no roadside donut! Can't I have a fresh one?