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Emo = Tight Jeans, Converse/Vans, Wear red/black, Cry over having to go home at 10pm because they want to get pissed on white star, Paint tears on there face, Are OTT in how they are and what they wear, can be very attention seeking

There are 2 types of emos, the hardcore proper emos 'emotional' people who are actually upset about real things and keep it 2 themselves

And fashion emos who crave attention so cry as much as possible and cut themselves (trying to kill themselves apperently which they never do) and then tell everyone in the world about it

Look at them fucking emo kids

So glad im not emo

Emo makes me laugh

by Shaun Byrne October 4, 2006

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although you say that "emo" isn't a term that means "tight pants, sidebangs and diluted, meaningless metaphores" etc, surely if people commonly use the word "emo" to describe all that shit, then the word "emo" really does mean "tight pants, sidebangs and diluted, meaningless metaphores" because that is how it has come to be interpreted. That's called ETYMOLOGY, dumbass, and it's precisely what this site is designed for!

> He is sooo emo
* yeah. Eeeemooo...eeemooo!

Thus a person is labelled as "emo" and the word "emo" is used to describe that type of person. savvy?

by save the english language! December 26, 2006

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Pah,Emo? Its just another trend
It will die soon enough
Dont worry
For the mean time..
Who really gives a fuck what it is, who is doing it or why?

Dont waste your time..
I just have nothng better to do

by shoveitupyerarseXcore January 4, 2006

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A beautiful community of people (though usually teenagers in middle school and high school) who are amazing and not afraid to be themselves, but unfortunately are judged and given negative stereotypes by society. Not all emos cut themselves, and that is NOT the definition of what an "emo" is. We are not always depressed, we are not a bunch of whiny little crybabies. Some of us like getting called emo, but most of us hate it. Labels are for soup cans. We're just....us.

"Wow, that emo kid is so stupid!"
"Shut the fuck up, you have no right to judge."

by Iamanemounicorn February 20, 2014

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People become emo for different reasons.

1. Because they are depressed and need something to make them feel happier about themselves by conforming to a group of people that feel the same way.

2. Because they like the clothing or music and to fit in change other things to make themselves fit in to be proper emo.

3. Because they want an identity and emo is the easyest group to join.

I would be intrested to know if theres any other reason someone would want to become emo.

Emos try to say that they are not emo and just being themself. But themself just happens to be the exact description of emo and that doesn't happen unless you make it happen.

Emos wear tight t-shirts, black skinny jeans, converse or vans they have black dyed hair which if is not perfectly straight it is straightened untill it is. They try to be hardcore but just look like twats doing there hxc dancing to there shitty emo music. Just type in hxc to youtube for an example.

There are band out there that are not emo and are doing hardcore and punk much better than them eg gallows.

Emos stole alot of things from indie and metal and make it much much worse than the original.

Emo kid - I'm so depressed

Other kid - Why?

Emo kid - Because no one understands how I feel

Other kid - Get some balls

by Jamesa123 August 15, 2008

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stupid little rich kids who think they have it bad cause their parents wont buy them a xbox or some shit like hat.
they also complain about shit like their little girlfriends left them or they got rejected. Most emos are bisexuals bcause they are too scared to be teased about being a poofters but it would be an emo sin to straight.

i have studied emos for about 2 weeks and this is my results.
thank you for reading and knowing the truth..

emo1# hey wanna go get some chicks
emo2# no way i wanna go listen to shit music in my room
emo3# holy fucking shit i got blood on my sisters pants that i borrowed off her my dad is gonna spank me!!
emo4# i don't wanna cut my self... my dad will kill me if he finds out ive been playing with sharp objcts

by the punk of millthorpe July 18, 2009

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Emo is a genre of music which has been around since the 1980s or so and started with Emotive Hardcore or something.

Apart from a) in relevance to fans from that time period, or b) the musical history perhaps found in Kerrang! magazine or Wikipedia, the term "emo" is no longer widely used to describe this.

In definition the word "emo" is mostly heard on the streets, especially in "Great" Britain to define:

a) a style of music involving Dashboard Confessional or My Chemical Romance
-- and sometimes used prejudicedly by others who term anything containing a guitar and singing together as "emo" music (despite that what music is "emo" or not has become yet more blurred with the introduction of High School Musical which is supposed to be some mainstream form of pop or hiphop music but has been latched onto by "emos" as has it by "chavs")

b) a style of fashion which can include black or neon coloured skinny jeans, Vans or Converse trainers, black eyeliner and sometimes lipstick, black dyed hair, and fitted band-logo t-shirts/cardigans etc/band-logo hoodies, or any combination of these

c) a term used cheerfully by people who are involved with one or both of the above, to describe themselves, others and it

d) a derogatory term used disapprovingly by people who do not consider themselves or their style of music/dress "emo", perhaps because they are disgusted that others categorize things they like as "emo" and they personally do not know enough about the definition of "emo" to realise that this could be wholly or partly true, so they acquire a prejudice

In truth, people should stop being so offended about the use of the term "emo" because at the end of the day it's like when black people used to be referred to as "nigger" and besides that they still find this offensive but many happily refer to themselves as "nigger".

On that basis, it should be understood that if somebody does NOT refer to themselves, their style of dress, or their band or bands they like, as "emo", they will not appreciate somebody calling them as such - as also stood in the 1990s with "grunge" and has done with "goth" and "punk".

If somebody DOES refer to themselves as "emo", they are emo and proud because they say so. It is not something like sexuality that people generally hide from; usually teenagers are happy to express what they like.


So note to people who have found the other above definitions of "emo" offensive - just quit worrying about it because people ARE going to call you "emo" for those above reasons, and if you call yourself "emo" then you have to prepare for people to carry on like that. It means they are small-minded and don't know what it connotates to.

I know that sucks, but it's the sad truth. The gift of free speech in places such as Urban Dictionary is a brilliant thing; the fact that people use the anonymy of the internet to say abusive things from a safe distance holed up in their boring homes, when it proves they have nothing to do, is an unhappy truth in itself, but being offended by any of that just means that they have got what they hoped for - and proves their point about emo stereotypes.

If someone bullies "emos" about being "emo" then that shows what an idiot the person is. If the "emo" cries about it and gets all messed-up then the bully wins.

Hope that helps a lil. :)

"My Chemical Romance is an emo band"
(example of opinion)

"Kerrang! magazine is only read by emos"
(example of small-mindedness)

"That kid is an emo"
(example of stereotype)

"That kid SAYS he is an emo"
(example of justification, which is needed before somebody makes a comment like "That kid is an emo")

by XxPureMourningxX March 6, 2009

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