A 1-3 hour binge session of negative google reviews usually targeted at unfavorable business's.
I totally ripped the Chipotle in Westborough during one of my Google Crusades earlier, I had to warn the people if thier misdeeds!
to search something on a search engine not specifically google
Another word for "pwned" or "served". Comes from the google verses yahoo competition, where google *clearly* always wins.
Guy 1: Woah, that show off just fell on his butt!
When the corporation you work for makes huge profits and cuts workers pay.
Sorry you were googled but we had to make cuts across the board.
what you type in the search bar on google
i just googled it came up with this
Somebody who turned to the ol’ “use google” help answer. Got backlash in return.
Person A: Just use google.
Person B: Uh uh! You just got GOOGLED! nobody should say that.
It is a verb for google, an action.
S: “How did you get that answer?”
H: “I googled it!”