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Karen is the person that if she gets mad is going to tell you to role down your window and call you bitch and say that her kids can't hear her cause their listening to Kids bob

The can't hear me cause there listening to kids bob(karen)

by heygurls November 22, 2019


she pours her milk before her cereal

wow what a damn karen

by dagoat389 August 23, 2021


A women who is condescending and/or rages towards someone or group using her beliefs. Often confused with Karen.

Karen is a name typically for a female. Name calling someone a karen specifies that she is a troll.

by HunkyBeat February 25, 2022


1. A Karen is a Middle Aged Women who act like they are in control over everything. ( When in all of reality, they aren't)
2. A Karen is a Middle Aged Women who will not wear a mask and will always ask for the Manager

Girl 1: OMG. What is Karen doing over there?
Girl 2: She's probably asking for the Manager

by Class of 2025_Cheerlife March 22, 2021


KAREN IS A STEP MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Karen was married to a guy that had kids and is now a step mom.

by -brook February 18, 2020


The one that took the kids. She is the ultimate soccer mom, and she has a signature haircut. These Karens aren't always named Karen, so watch out. Beware going on Facebook cuz they're known to inhabit that site.

(BTW this is not supposed to be towards people named Karen, just the people that matches the "Karen" description)

Guy 1: I just got a divorce.
Guy 2: Did she take the kids?
Guy 1: Yea...
Guy 2: You might want to go sneak mode if you ever want to see your kids again cuz she's a Karen .

by melonboi123 May 13, 2020


Fucking bitch who said “oh do you think it’s funny that your driver almost hit my kids 😝 oh my kids can’t hear me calling you a betch there listening to kidz bop

people: oh that’s totally a Karen she is talking a betch

by Crook look December 15, 2019